Minutes of July 25, 2006

The initial meeting of the "Longleaf Equine Trail Riders" was called to order by Johnny Kerley at approximately 7:00pm on Tuesday, July 25, 2006, in Bassfield, MS at Four K Stables.

The following members were present: Traci Beuckmeier, Gary Broom, Johnny Kerley, Judy Kerley, Greg Lowery, Lesia Lowery, Dale Lucas, Reggie Magee, Wilmer McCray, Charles Reid, Liz Reid, Harvey Warren, Gary Smith, Shirley Smith, Lamar Strickland, Paige Strickland, and Stephanie Wheeler

Guests: Dennis Bedwell, Charles Butler, Sr., Bobbie Hart, Walter Hart, Truman Higgins, Billy McAlpin, Johnny Ray McDonald, Rose McKenzie, William McKenzie, Johnny Scruggs, Cristie Stover, Van Sullivan

Resource providers present: Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager

Approval of Minutes: As this was the initial meeting, no previous minutes have been recorded.

Recognition of new members or guests: N/A

Old Business



New Business

a. Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager and Resource Provider, discussed needs of the horse trail along the Longleaf Trace Rails to Trails.

b. Motion: establish a club to help maintain the horse trail on the Longleaf Trace Rails to Trails and hold the organization under the Longleaf Trace Board. By doing this, the club will hold the same liability insurance as the Longleaf Trace. Motion made by Johnny Kerley; Seconded by Paige Strickland. None opposed.

c. Motion: name the club Longleaf Equine Trail Riders. Motion made by Paige Strickland; Seconded by Gary Smith. None opposed.

d. It was noted that bylaws establishes a process for the election of officers. It was recommended that the initial officers be President, Vice President and Secretary, and by acclamation, those members present adopted these as the officers of the new organization.

e. It was recommended that the Board of Directors should consist of 4 members, and by acclamation, those present adopted this as the number of additional members on the board with the officers.

f. Johnny Kerley nominated Greg Lowery as President. Wilmer McCray seconded the nomination, and after a call for further nominations, and there being none, Greg Lowery by acclamation was elected as President.

g. Traci Beuckmeier nominated Stephanie Wheeler for the office of Vice President. The nomination was seconded by Dale Lucas and following a request for additional nominations, and there being none, Stephanie Wheeler, by acclamation, was elected as Vice-President.

h. A request was made for Secretary and Paige Strickland agreed to be nominated as Secretary. Charles Reid motioned to accept and the nomination was seconded by Dale Lucas. Following a request for additional nominations, and there being none, Paige Strickland, by acclamation was elected as Secretary.

i. The following Board Members were nominated by those present at the meeting: Traci Beuckmeier, Harvey Warren, Lamar Strickland, and Gary Smith. Stephanie Wheeler motioned to accept these nominations and was seconded by Paige Strickland. Following a request for additional nominations, and there being none, Traci Beuckmeier, Harvey Warren, Lamar Strickland, and Gary Smith, by acclamation were elected as the Board Members.

j. A conversation ensued discussing an annual membership fee and the structure and renewal. A motion was made to adopt a $25 annual membership fee with an additional $5 each to add additional family members. Annual membership fee will cover January to December. Motion made by Johnny Kerley; Seconded by Lamar Strickland. It was agreed by those present to accept this structure and renewal time period.

k. It was agreed by those present that officers would remain elected until December 2007.

l. It was agreed by those present that meetings will be held on a monthly basis.

m. Greg Lowery provided a copy of the mission statement of the Friends of the Trace.

n. Greg Lowery offered a copy of the bylaws of the Friends of the Trace as a sample for the new organization to be formed. Certain additions to those bylaws should be made.

o. Board and Officers will meet in August to define a mission and bylaws for the membership to review and adopt.

p. Items to be addressed:

i. Prioritize needs of the horse trail

ii. Establish a work day

iii. Develop logo for new organization

iv. Identify possible fund raisers

q. First Work Day to be held Saturday, July 29th at 6am, Epley Station on Hwy 589.

r. First Board of Directors meeting to be held Friday, August 11th at Murphy’s Catfish House on Hwy 42 in Sumrall

Being no further business President Greg Lowery declared the meeting was adjourned as of approximately 8:15 pm.


Read and approved on this date.


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President Date


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Secretary Date