Shelly Roberts' Trek

Hey Guys,


Just did the Trace today. Started at the Southern Miss gateway at 0500 and ended up in Prentiss about 1700 under the power of my own two feet and stubborn mind.


I'm an avid hiker and have completed the Appalachian Trail Ga-Me, Kilimanjaro, the Foothills Trail in SC, and I'm working my though the Palmetto Trail in SC. I'm currently at Camp Shelby demobilizing from a deployment and somehow caught it during the holidays. I was looking for a challenge before 2012 closed out.


I found the Trace to be AWESOME! The maintenance was impeccable and the trail was truly a great experience. Well done. Although my feet and legs now feel every step of the 44 miles, I am truly grateful for this trail and the time spent on it. Thank you.


Very Respectfully,


S. Roberts