2008 MinutesJan  Feb  Oct  Dec

Quarterly Meeting

January 7th, 2008


A quarterly meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:00pm on Monday, January 7th, 2008, in Hattiesburg, MS at the Gateway Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:
Leslie Farmer- President 
Kim Rutland
Ed Crockett
Dr. John Jackson

We went to look at the pavilion and generally talked about the upcoming potential donations from the King of Zeus gifts. Mentioning the desire of the king to use the donations for safety crossings.

Kim asked about updating the roster of members and I told her I thought a membership drive would be a good idea and a program put in place for billing for dues. I said after a good membership drive we could have elections!!!

We set a meeting for the first Monday in February.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:15.


Quarterly Meeting

February 4th, 2008

A quarterly meeting of the “Friends of the Longleaf Trace” was called to order by the President, Leslie Farmer, at approximately 6:09pm on Monday, February 4th, 2008, in Hattiesburg, MS at the Gateway Southern Miss Building located at 2895 West 4th St. at which time the following members were present:
Leslie Farmer- President 
Kim Rutland
Nancy Munn
Elmer Beardshall

Guests: None

Resource providers present: Herlon Pierce, Trail Manager


I.        Recognition of new members or guests- None 


II.    Old Business

a.      Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported on the status of the horse trail. Work is underway in several sections and will not be complete till mid Summer.

b.      President Leslie Farmer reported that Robert St. John plans to host a charity ride benefiting Meals on wheels in April.

c.      President Leslie Farmer reported on the 10/20 Jerry Ryan Memorial ride. About $3000 over and above expenses was raised, thanks mainly to our sponsors Regions Bank, and the Sims family (Butch and Suzanne).

d.      President Leslie Farmer reported that the King of Zeus event had designated safety items for the Trace as their charity this year, and so far $3500 has been donated.

e.  Trail Manager Herlon Pierce reported that the date for the dedication for the Jerry Ryan Memorial Outdoor Center would probably be in April or May. The Center should be complete in March.


III. New Business

  1. Nancy Munn volunteered to verify the address and e-mail information in the Friends membership database as part of our Spring membership drive.

  2. The details of the membership drive were discussed: newspaper article or ads?, event, Sunday afternoon, mailing to ADP list?

  3. It was moved, seconded and passed that memberships would henceforth be on a calendar basis. New members would pay a pro-rated fee based on their join date, and all dues for the calendar year would be due as of January 1.

  4. The date of the next meeting was discussed. Several members had requested that we meet on a different day due to permanent conflicts. President Leslie Farmer set the next quarterly meeting for the first week of April, day of week to be determined later. On the agenda for this next meeting will be finding a sponsor, setting a date and preparing for next Jerry Ryan Memorial Ride.

  5. President Leslie Farmer declared that there being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned as of 7:09 pm.



Quarterly Meeting

October 6th, 2008


Friends of the Trace Meeting - Monday, October 6 at 6:00 pm at the Longleaf
Trace office.

In the absence of President Leslie Farmer, friend Nancy Munn presided.

The first order of business was a discussion of a recent assault that took
place on the Trace. Trail Manager, Herlon Pierce spoke regarding how the
incident was being addressed by the District:

The District's response to the attempted robbery at the 7th St. Tunnel on
Tuesday, Sept. 16, 2008: The District is reviewing its options to improve
user safety on the Trace, including the use of cameras and additional
lighting in and around the 7th St. tunnel.  In the meantime, the Hattiesburg
Police Department will increase their presence and patrols on the Longleaf
Trace in the Gateway and 7th Street tunnel area, including the removal of
those who loiter in and around the tunnel.  We would also remind our users
that if they are concerned about their safety, a permitted concealed weapon
is legal on the Trace.

Herlon also stated the graffiti problem is being dealt with on a regular

The second order of business was a discussion of possible installation of
informational and directional signs for businesses which serve the
Trace---such as restaurants, lodging, etc. Herlon stated that he wanted
input from Friends regarding this project. It was determined that more
information was needed before the Friends would render an opinion.

The third order of business was a discussion of the "Jerry Ryan Memorial
Ride."  It was decided that the event will take place on Sunday, November 2
at 1:30 pm. Participants are asked to bring food/covered dish to share after
the ride. There will be no entry fee for the event, but donations to Friends
of the Trace will be accepted.

The final item of business was a discussion of the "Project Safe Crossing"
which will provide signals at various intersections along the Trace. Pledges
are being accepted toward this project and are listed on the website.

The next scheduled Friends of the Trace meeting will be Monday, January 5,

Special Meeting

December 1st, 2008

Friends of the Trace Meeting 12/1/2008

Friends in attendance were President Leslie Farmer, Secretary Becky Ryder
and member Elmer Beardshall.

The first order of business was the discussion of how to increase the renewal of memberships in Friends of the Trace. It was decided that the list of previous members will be divided and that several Friends will make personal calls to all members who have not renewed. In addition, it was
decided that membership will be on an annual basis with all current memberships expiring on 12/31/2009. In the future, new members or previous members who join or renew prior to July 1 of each year will be carried over until the end of the following year.

Leslie then reported that $439 was raised by the Jerry Ryan Memorial ride. She expressed her appreciation to Drew Carter and Nancy Munn, owners of the Hattiesburg Bicycle Center, who provided a water bottle or tire tube to anyone who donated a minimum of $10.

Leslie reported that a sponsor will donate services/funds to sandblast, paint and install a sign or piece of art on the steel structure above the Trace and located immediately west of the 7th Street tunnel. Becky Ryder volunteered to contact the USM Art Department to determine if they would be
interested in being involved in the design or creation of such artwork.

Leslie announced that there will be a membership drive during the Spring of 2009. Friends will set up refreshment/information areas at the main stations along the Trace. Becky Ryder suggested that there be a bike raffle as a fund raiser.

The next Friends meeting will be Monday, January 5th, 2009.


2008 Minutes:  Jan  Feb  Oct Dec